Burp Suite Cheat Sheet


  • SQL Injection Login Bypass Cheat Sheet You can use the following cheat sheet on login forms for bypassing authentication proccess. I recommend you to use this cheat sheet with the Burp Suite Intruder Module.
  • Burp Suite - Top Extensions. Comments powered by Disqus. Recents About KSEC. KSEC 3000-12-01. Nmap 2223-10-22. Nmap - Cheatsheet. Nmap 2223-10-17. Nmap - NSE Scripts. Nmap 2223-10-09. NetCat CheatSheet. Netcat 2220-09-04. Active-directory 1; burpsuite 1; cheatsheet 4; crackmapexec 4; empire 2.
Burp Suite Cheat Sheet

Burpsuite Key

If you use Burp Suite a lot then you’ll no doubt love the interface – moving between tools is really fast and the interface is just friendly; however I recently heard someone complaining that it’s annoying that it’s mouse-only and you can’t use hotkeys to swap between tabs and move between tools…but you can!

Portswigger Xss

It’s all there by default, it just seems that many people I talk to haven’t seen the right tab, so to save you all digging around here’s a screenshot of the right bit:

Sql Injection Commands List

So they’re all there and they’re there by default, a quick TL;DR of my favourites:

(Add shift to invert, e.g. Ctrl+Shift+U to URL decode)

Burp Suite Cheat Sheet Pdf

You can use the following cheat sheet on login forms for bypassing authentication proccess. I recommend you to use this cheat sheet with the Burp Suite Intruder Module. This list is an extended version of SQL Login Bypass Cheat Sheet of Dr. Emin İslam TatlıIf (OWASP Board Member). # Burp Cheat Sheet # A cheat sheet for PortSwigger Burp Suite application security testing framework. # Original: # Global # Send to Repeater: Ctrl+R # Send.